Tea Tree Oil for Bug Bites, Poison Ivy and Scrapes

by Caveman Etris
(Cincinnati, Ohio)

Over the past few years I have used Tea Tree Oil for insect bites, Poison Ivy reactions and minor scrapes or scratches. I am a hiker and spend much time out in nature during the warmer months. Insect bites are common for me and deep scratches from thorns or branches is something I often get when out exploring.

I get damaged easily but don't pay much attention to scrapes and bites when I am searching for wildlife. However, the effects of spending all day in nature catch up with me later.

If I don't remember to bring Tea Tree Oil with me then I use it after getting home. Tea Tree Oil works well on insect bites and disinfects minor wounds.

I have also used it on Poison Ivy breakouts. It is best to use the oil when first getting a bite or Poison Ivy breakout. It clears up bites and Poison Ivy if used properly. You can see the healing when Poison Ivy breakouts start reversing. The red starts turning brown.

Tea Tree Oil is very drying, so I would sometimes add olive oil. Though, some people will mix Tea Tree Oil in with the anti-itch cream they use. Also, it is sometimes mixed with Lemon Balm Oil. I have done that myself. I mixed Tea Tree Oil and Lemon Balm Oil to use on hives. That mix worked well for me. Keeping Tea Tree Oil around the house is a good idea.

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